Bury HF Walking Club
Established 1934

We are able to offer a variety of walks to suit a range of abilities. Explore the site to find out about us and how to join.
Based in the northwest of England, we are fortunate indeed to have so much wonderful and varied countryside on our doorstep, or within easy driving distance. Our members appreciate this benefit and make great use of it. If you are of a similar mind, or if you would like to become more familiar with our countryside, you would be most welcome to join our friendly club and share the experience with us.
And membership is only £5.00 a year!
If, after looking through the pages of our website, you would like any further information, please contact us.
New members are always welcome to join us.
A public liability policy covers the club.
Please email secretaryburyhfwalkingclub@gmail.com to get in touch if you would like any further general information about the club, or you would like to join or if you would like to know more about a particular Walking Group or walk from the programme.
Forthcoming Walks
Final details of walks may not be available until nearer the time so keep checking for up to date information.
Tuesday Group
These walks are in the range of 8 to 12 miles at a sustained pace.
For up to date information about the walks click HERE
Saturday Group
We meet at the starting point of the walk. The programme offers a walk of approx 6 miles each week. You might like to consider taking a snack and a drink.
Thursday Walks
We are currently offering a walk on the second and fourth Thursdays in each month. For additional information contact the leader of each walk These walks will be easier than those planned for Tuesdays and are approximately 6 to 8 miles miles in length. Travelling to the walk is a maximum of an hour.
For up to date information about the walks click
